
Atomic Number 1-800-262-7677
Symbol Bs 
Atomic weight 21.89
Fragrence Lemon Lime
Hardness 3
Year discovered 1982
Area discovered Bozock-Chopston (Formerly Bozo, Boe$ky)
Attitude Radical
Proximity to Cody's Karate Class Not close enough. He gets riled up from sitting in the car too long.
                                            This is a natural element

All modern medical science and inquiry of the being of the furgosonian meta-particles have foundations in the primeval interogative, "What is fergosonian simultaneity, as furgosonian simultaneity thusly?" For sure, conventional approaches to the problem of acting in a furgosonian quandry falliciously represents or encompasses furgusonian essence acting as furgusonian simultaneity [1], and not simultaneity proper, which belongs to the ontology of pre-furgusonian semoitic analysis as such. It is the most abacinatious lesson of our epoch, which is not to say it extends the zietgeist of introspection of a proto-furgusonian direction, but that the very act and subsequent reenactments that comprise the furgusonian perspective transform while they preserve the state of man's furgusonian relationship with man, and is of recent, the question of beings acting in a furgusonian context.

[1] Wikipedia.

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